Monday, August 31, 2009

23 Things For My Library

I am almost done completing this project of learning. I plan on adapting this program to increase the technology level among the staff working at my branch library. At present, I am the only one at my branch completing it. I will begin by determining at what level they are already at. I will have them complete a brief survey listing the 23 Things and their knowledge or lack of. I will have them give me a definition of what each are. If the 23 Things is being left available online for future use, I will have them start on their own completing it. I will make sure they get recognition for completing it,with a certificate. Then periodically I can survey them again asking them to define the items on the 23 list to verify if they have learned anything. At staff meetings I will one at at time, or more, discuss some of the 23 Things and share this with my staff.

My staff is a great resource of knowledge and I want to ask them for their ideas of how they can do a better job with these technologies. I will make sure that staff who are working on the 23 Things are communicating with each other through Facebook, Twitter, etc. And in staff meetings I will have them report their progress and tell fellow staff about what new things they are learning. This is a great learning opportunity they all of us need, and I plan on taking advantage of it to have my staff earn something new.

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