Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The LibraryThing site is wonderful. I have had fun enjoying the various options available. I have put several of my books from home to start my library. I liked the Members with your Books option. I linked over and saw what others had in their library.

The Unsuggestor option was interesting. It lists books you would be most likely Not to have in your library. This list is a great source to expand your reading interests, and try something new. Under the recommendations I found a review of "A Town Like Alice", one of my books. I submitted a brief review of the book.

I want to later investigate the free member giveaway options.

For work I can see the potential for readers advisory. I can expand my knowledge of unfamilier subjects. I can use it also to pick books for my bookclub and also to spread word about the club.

I will continue to add my personal books as I have the time.

Overall it looks like a lot of fun, and I look forward to exploring it when I have more time.

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